Storage space above a former charity shop in Shanklin is to be converted into 2 new flats.
Mr M. Pennells of Pennells Developments Ltd gained prior approval to convert the first and second floors of 17 High Street in Shanklin into 2x 1-bedroom residential units with living rooms and en suite bathrooms.
The flats will replace storage space above a now-closed British Red Cross charity shop inside the Shanklin Conservation Area.
County Hall had to consider 5 factors before reaching its decision: transport and highway impacts of the development, the impact and risk of contamination on the site, flood risk, noise from commercial premises and acceptable natural light levels in habitable rooms.
An Officer’s Written Justification explained the approval:
“The development would have no material impact on the highway network or on highway safety and is therefore acceptable.
“The work would not require excavation. Any issues such as internal works asbestos etc, would be dealt with by separate legislative powers.
“The development is not located within an area identified by the Environment Agency as being within any flood zone or at risk of surface water flooding.
“The council’s environmental health officer has advised that noise from the commercial premises to be retained on the ground floor could result in disturbance to residents of the proposed accommodation.
“Details of the sound proofing measures that would be employed have been provided, which are those measures that would be required by building regulations.”
The council added that following an assessment of soundproofing measures, there was no environmental health objection.
Given Mr Pennell’s proposal does not include external changes to 17 High Street, officers concluded the Conservation Area would not be negatively impacted.
The Isle of Wight Council has attached a condition to its approval – that development is carried out in line with information supplied with the proposal’s prior approval notice.
Instead of concreting over the Island, the council should look into converting the empty upper floors of shops into flats.
And turning derelict hotels etc into properties for people.
The island does not need any more new homes built on it,
make use of what’s available.
Many parts of the island is crumbling away and falling into
the sea.
Also the Island infrastructure is poor, new homes being
built will not result in more Doctors Surgeries or more
Hospitals, they can’t get the staff now!
I am surprised many households are not splitting their
properties into maisonettes, 2 lots of Council tax for
IW Council.
Just imagine that would solve a shortage of housing
being available.
It is amazing how many 2 and 3 bedroom properties
only have 1 or 2 persons living in the property.
Why don’t Sovereign and other Housing Associations
do similar.
Beats building on the Island and taking away green
The Council will do anything to get more council taxes.
I am surprised many Households are not splitting their
properties into maisonettes, 2 lots of Council tax for
IW Council.