The following planning applications and appeals have been submitted to the Isle of Wight Council.
They can be viewed online at Alternatively, they can be viewed at Seaclose Offices, Fairlee Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 2QS. Comments on the applications must be received within 21 days from the date of this press list.
Press List – 24th January 2025
Application No: 24/01580/HOU
Parish(es): Bembridge
Ward(s): Bembridge
Location: Northwells Lodge Ducie Avenue Bembridge Isle Of Wight PO35 5NF
Proposal: Proposed vehicular access onto New Road and hardstanding; removal of sheds and outbuilding, blocking of an existing access
Application No: 24/01663/FUL
Parish(es): Bembridge
Ward(s): Bembridge
Location: Kingsmere Lane End Road Bembridge Isle Of Wight PO35 5TB
Proposal: Proposed demolition of existing building and replacement with new building to provide café with outside seating area, car parking, bin and bike
Application No: 25/00010/HOU
Parish(es): Bembridge
Ward(s): Bembridge
Location: 66 Howgate Road Bembridge Isle Of Wight PO35 5QP
Proposal: Proposed two storey rear extension with reconfiguration of conservatory to include new roof; alterations to fenestration; proposed sky lights
Application No: 25/00006/HOU
Parish(es): Brading
Ward(s):Brading And St Helens
Location: Rowborough Manor Beaper Shute Brading Sandown Isle Of Wight PO36 0AZ
Proposal: Proposed alterations forming two new windows to south elevation walls, new dormer window to south elevation roof and replacement of other
Application No: 25/00038/HOU
Parish(es): Calbourne Newtown And Porchfield
Ward(s): Brighstone Calbourne And Shalfleet
Location: Glencroft New Road Porchfield Newport Isle Of Wight PO30 4LT
Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension
Application No: 25/00017/FUL
Parish(es): Cowes
Ward(s): Cowes South And Northwood
Location: Cowes Childrens Centre Love Lane Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 7ET
Proposal: Proposed canopy
Application No: 25/00013/HOU
Parish(es): Gurnard
Ward(s): Cowes West And Gurnard
Location: 3 Shore Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of WightPO31 8LB
Proposal: Proposed single storey side extension to garage and increase of height to 2.8m; Proposed roof extension to existing dwelling to create additional bedrooms and bath and two storey extension to the rear
Application No: 24/01816/HOU
Parish(es): Newport & Carisbrooke Community Council
Ward(s): Newport West
Location: 24 Alderbury Road Newport Isle Of Wight PO30 5DR
Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension with roof terrace; retention of storage building in front garden (Revised description -readvertised application)
Application No: 25/00029/FUL
Parish(es): Newport & Carisbrooke Community Council
Ward(s): Newport Central
Location: Land At Newport Quay Newport Isle Of Wight
Proposal: Proposed memorial cairn
Application No: 25/00021/RVC
Parish(es): Ryde
Ward(s): Binstead And Fishbourne
Location: Macquarrie Quarr Road Binstead Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4EL
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 on 23/02248/FUL to allow for addition of solar panels on southern roof plane
Application No: 25/00019/FUL
Parish(es): Shanklin
Ward(s): Shanklin South
Location: Pink Beach Guest House 20 Esplanade Shanklin Isle Of Wight PO37 6BN
Proposal: Removal of existing windows and French doors; proposed replacement with bifold doors
Application No: 25/00008/HOU
Parish(es): Totland
Ward(s): Totland And Colwell
Location: Sherwood Heath Meadow Freshwater Isle Of Wight PO40 9NQ
Proposal: Installation of an Air Source Heat Pump
Application No: 24/01923/CLEUD
Parish(es): Wroxall
Ward(s): Wroxall Lowtherville And Bonchurch
Location: Land West Of Clarence Road Wroxall Newport Isle Of Wight
Proposal: Retention of tractor shed
My favourite bit, love reading all the planning
requests, yet Council Tax remains the same after
the improvements are carried out.
Has it occurred to you that those properties might be in the top council band anyway? No, thought not.