Arthur Farley – a 19-year-old professional athlete in the British Sailing Olympic Squad – has been offered free use of the Classic Boat Museum’s Dinghy Simulator to get fitter and win medals for the UK.
Arthur, who is a member of Brading Haven Yacht Club and a resident of the Isle of Wight, is a European and National Champion, all achieved whilst living with cancer. He has been a full-time athlete since September 2022. Arthur said:
“I’ve had a difficult 9 months but free use of the simulator will help me enormously to build back my strength in a warm safe environment, I’m very grateful to Victoria and the other Trustees, their support means a great deal to me, in return I will do my best to encourage other young sailors to make use of this marvellous facility. “Despite the fact that I have had Cancer for many years, I have been able to win several prestigious titles and be called up for the British Olympic team. Therefore. with 100% healthy blood, I think I can look forward to some excellent results” The Classic Boat Museum Gallery in East Cowes acquired a dinghy simulator in 2022, funded by the National Lottery.
Dr Victoria Preston – Deputy Chair of the Classic Boat Museum – has said:
“Local schools have been using the simulator to interest pupils in sailing, without them having to get cold and wet. “The simulator is part of an organised tour of the Museum which brings the Island’s boating heritage to life. The Dingy Simulator was invented by the Australian Maritime College for their elite sailing team to help them win gold medals at the Olympics.” “We are delighted to welcome Arthur to the museum to use the Dinghy Simulator and we are delighted that Arthur has agreed to be the Dinghy Simulator Ambassador with all the Island Sailing Clubs.”
For further information about the museum visit