Police on the Isle of Wight have issued at least 3 fines for what they describe as ‘blatant breaches’ of the lockdown restrictions currently in force.
In addition to the £60 fines, which are reduced to £30 if paid within 2 weeks, numerous warnings have been issued.
Those who have been spoken to by Police should note that a list of names has been gathered and they will seek enforcement action against those individuals if they are found to be flouting the legislation again.
If Islanders do not comply with the order to avoid non-essential travel then the Police may issue a £60 fixed penalty notice, lowered to £30 if paid within 14 days. Officers of the law can also instruct individuals to go home, leave an area or disperse.
If someone is caught by Police a second time they will be issued with a £120 fixed penalty notice, doubling on each further repeat offence. Individuals who do not pay a fixed penalty notice under the regulations could be taken to court, with magistrates able to impose unlimited fines.
If an individual continues to refuse to comply, they will be acting unlawfully and the police may arrest them where deemed proportionate and necessary. However, in the first instance the police will always apply their common sense and discretion.
Individuals are only be allowed to leave their home for the following very limited purposes:
- shopping for basic necessities, as infrequently as possible
- 1 form of exercise a day – for example, a run, walk or cycle – alone or with members of their household
- any medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person
- travelling to and from work, but only where they cannot work from home
Participating in gatherings of more than 2 people in public spaces is also not permitted except in very limited circumstances, for example, where it is for essential work purposes.
I bet the homeless were not fined, and, if they were, will not pay it. So they hit the easy targets, ignoring those vile, low life because you can’t get blood from a stone.
Target the trouble makers, the public IF keeping away from others enjoying what might well be their last Spring on Earth should be warned as they are likely not criminals, but feel they are not part of the problem if keeping away from others.
Wow. Are you really calling homeless people vile low-lifes? What do you expect them to do, you over-privileged entitled prick? Stay at home till it all blows over? What an arsehole you are.
The homeless are not low life scum.
The comments you make on almost every post on here makes you come across as low life scum.
honest to god you sound awful!
You are an absolute piece of shit. You should be ashamed of yourself! The only scum is you!!! Love to know who you are instead of hiding behind that alias!!!!
You are the pathetic one.
Wow knighton what a cock womble you are sir. It was the homeless who went a saved lives in Manchester after the bombing most of the homeless our are veterans which people like yourself when returned home done nothing to help them I hope and pray you and your family are never in that situation putting people down calling them vile that’s probably the most vile paragraph I’ve read this year
Well said. I dont like strong language but in essence I agree. At 17 I was homeless due abuse in care, at 38 I was homeless due to domestic violence . I’m qualified support worker and advice but sadly situations happen. Some people may become homeless due to the after math of this virus. Homelessness doesnt make anyone scum it means they are down on there luck.
You are the definition of the poison that has ruined this country.
I was homeless at 17 due to being abused in care. I was homeless again at 39 due to being in a domestic violence relationship. I am a qualified support worker and advice but couldn’t stop what happened. After the virus has gone there will be businesses that cant reopen,huge debts, homes being solid as owners have no choice means tenants losing home. Renters behind as maybe lost a job. No one homeless is scum. Sadly they are down on there luck. I gave food, soup and a fizzy cola to a homeless person every time I saw him sat in a shelter, he was early 50’s business had gone bust, his relationship had broken down and he had ended up homeless. This man wasnt scum, his life had fallen apart. No one knows what the future holds. Homeless people are desperate people and at times turn to vices, and seem a public nuisance but in reality they are humans trying to live the best they can, if that means being paralytic because life is too horrible so want to blot life out, it help they need to get back to liking life not wanting to escape it.
He’s clearly talking about the scum in sandown that have terrorized residents, smashed someone’s skull in and left needles all other the beaches, so many people jumping on his comment just to get thumbs up , police always have and always will target the easy buck
A £60 penalty is no where near enough to stop dickheads going out. A parking ticket is more. These people are putting lives at risk. The fine should be substantially more to have an effect
Here here
And there is talk of taking the lockdown off younger people first, Older people may like to spend what is let of their lives with partners, relatives and friends and maybe going on holiday or for a meal. Let the younger people take the punishment for flouting the rules and ignoring government instruction
I think it’s because old people have a tendency to die and younger ones not so much. Being at home is not a punishment it’s a live saver
It’s not only young flouting rules.
How about issuing fines to people who lead by example? If there is a restriction for us and social distancing, including masks etc why are none of the emergency services wearing them whn in easily a 1m distance zone? Ask yourself that before you start goin onn about how infectious it really is and dickheads are passing round??
So were any of the car enthusiasts who all drove to and then grouped outside the main entrance to St Marys last week warned or fined? There were certainly enough police in the immediate area that night.
You hope for a sensible approach but just today we had the Chief Constable of Northamptonshire telling people their shopping would be searched. When such high ranking individuals make (and then backtrack on) such stupid decisions you can only dread where this could go.
Any way for old bill to make a few bob
It’s about time.
Should be £1000 …. it’s $1000 in Canada
Stay at Home everyone. Well done to the police. Keep up the good work.
Well. Done
The police want to park a car in Cliff Road in Lake, the number of people on foot, on cycles and families is just like a normal day before the virus arrived
What, where and – sort of – who?
What were they doing?
I was wondering that. If you’re someone who has nothing to loose and feel the constant hate from people like the user “Knighton”, what reason do they have to stay in? Will not change anything.
But if it’s people taking their kids to their friends house of the day, then it will have an affect.The people how go round a mates place for a few pints, then it will have an affect. The people going for a joy ride on their bike far from home, then it will have an affect.
in Ireland the fine is 2500 or 6months in jail if you more than 2miles from home
Wont they just move their caravans nearer
How does that work if your nearest shop is more than 2 miles away?
Can you clarify if new legislation has been enacted making the restrictions listed legally enforceable?
Section 6 of The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 puts no limit on exercise in either form, duration or location. (It also makes no mention at all of cars)
The “reasonable excuses” it gives for being out (which includes, but is not limited to, the reasons given above) are examples and not an exhaustive or definitive list.
I should point out that, given the heavy handed approach seen in other areas, I am merely questioning if guidance is incorrectly being presented as legally enforceable restriction. I.e. the government uses “should” in their guidance but it frequently gets quoted as “must”.
I am not suggesting that anyone should ignore the guidance, quite the opposite in fact.
I am concerned that if the guidance is misrepresented or police overstep their powers and fines get successfully challenged it may result in either a loss of respect for the law, knee-jerk amendments to the legislation making it even more draconian, or both.
We should all respect the guidelines, observe social distancing and minimise contact to protect ourselves and others. But we should do it because we can see that the measures are sensible, proportionate and, backed by scientific evidence, clearly necessary.
Confused…. no wonder with so much conflicting information going around…
Police forces have been told people should not be punished for travelling a “reasonable distance” to exercise following criticism of heavy-handed tactics used to enforce the Covid-19 lockdown.
The new guidance, issued by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and the College of Policing on Tuesday night – April 2nd,, also states road checks on every vehicle are “disproportionate”.
The new guidance states: “Use your judgement and common sense; for example, people will want to exercise locally and may need to travel to do so, we don’t want the public sanctioned for travelling a reasonable distance to exercise.
More and more people on the beach walking there dogs why lift the ban dogs on beach keep to the rules no dogs after the 31st march
Firstly, its hear hear -not here here. And secondly, the ban on dogs starts on the 32st May not March.
31st damn keyboard
You don’t understand why certain beaches are restricted for dogs in Summer do you? Use your common sense!
Lifting the dog ban has some logic as it allows dog owners to be further apart rather that all being only able to use a small area of beach.
no to dog on beech. they do toilut lumps witch have much germs spred virus 19 too as well. dog neer child then child smoth or lick and child die virus 19. dog must be put down too sleep is best. no need own dog in uk. not need to hunt animual or food. dog put sleep best for us island living here.
???? Don’t understand your post. Your facts are alarmingly incorrect and your views are draconian.
Do you know how much thousands of people rely on dogs for support and lifelines and you casually say put them to sleep!! And “us island” are you from the island? Doubt it
There is a lockdown?
There is only one way to make people listen! Stay home or face prison.
The UK is way too soft
Police state
Latest news, “ Cabinet Minister Robert Jenrick ‘breaks lockdown rules twice’ by going to ‘second home’ 160 miles a trip.he is the Tory housing secretary by the way. So yes “don’t do as I do, do as I say!
the main protagonist in this virus epidemic is peoples mouths, a wide area is contaminated when people open their mouths and talk nonsense with each other. There are quite a few people staying at their holiday homes as well, are the police going to fine those privileged ones, I doubt it..what the authorities do not tell people is that staying in is an increased risk for those in high density housing like flats and bedsits where you are never very far from someone elses mouth especially if you have druggy drinking people near always spewing something in or out their mouths…
Only 3? Wow that’s sad
Why are there small planes flying around from Sandown airport (Isle of Wight International Airport).
Seems to have started in the last few days – not really essential or exercise.
Is it the rich second home owners that have just arrived??
These people are so arrogant that rules never apply to them. They could cost you me and our loved ones our lives when we are doing all we can to protect everyone around including them ,by staying home .Measures should be far stricter .The lock down has been going on for nearly three weeks and every weekend these people continue to flout the rules and put two fingers up .They need far higher fines .£500 each person in a group would be a start with a warning that it will double if they are caught again You need to get tough .They don’t understand a softly softly approach They have proved this by continuing to ignore advice .Stern measures are all that will work ,Please get a lot more stringent for all our sakes .This weekend is the time to act.Please act NOW
I hate going out to the shop’s I can’t wait to get out, I feel like an escaped criminal being watched,.
It feels very uncomfortable, perhaps it’s just me being paronied, does anyone else feel like I do?
don’t ee smoke so much that dope baccy, makes lot people paranoid that do.
If you watch the internet news ie YouTube etc, you will see ministers of government all round the world , nz, oz, and uk are breaking the rules they want us all to follow. Now think,why would they do that if this virus is so deadly? The only reason is,they know something most dont,its all bullshit! Look,yes a virus,yes people dying, but so are people dying from the bloody flu! These people know they are not at risk,or putting anyone at risk,they want us to play the game but they can cheat
It’s David icke again! 5G conspiracy and all that!! Get in the real world . It’s not deadly to all but unfortunately we can’t say who. Spend a day in an icu ward watching people suffer or die then you’ll change your view. There but for the grace of god etc.
Excuse me arsehol.! Did I mention 5g.? I didn’t say there isn’t a virus. You are obviously thick as two planks and can’t read. Just so you understand sheep boy, I was saying that the people who tell you not to go out to their second homes ,do just that, and tell you to stay in and make unnecessary travel. But then again you are a sheep and does what he’s told by the sheep dog. What a tw..!
Very rude! For your info I’m not a boy! I just want you to see that people are dying horrible deaths from this virus I’ve seen it.Yes I agree the ministers are do what I say not what I do but I felt you were brushing this virus aside as though it was nothing and it does help for everyone to stay home not to stop getting the virus but to protect the nhs from being overwhelmed.
Firstly,you attack me in a rude manor . I understand what you are saying about the virus,yes people are dying of it. But what your not getting is the way this is all being handled. This whole thing just isn’t right. When you open your mind to the possibility, that what’s happening, what you are told,and they dont match,then you start wondering. I do a lot of research into conspiracies, and theres more facts then you realise. So many have come to light as true, and reported as such in the mainstream media,eventually. All I’m saying ,is dont believe everything that you see on the bbc ,told by government . When the hospital’s are filled up each year with people dying of flu, the world carries on. Oh and yes we have a flu shot,but guess what? There will be a vaccination, and we all will have to take it!
Sorry did I mention 5g? So you are happy being told what to do,while government ministers can do what they want. Wow! Wheres the conspiracy in that one. This proves what dummies we have in society.