Newport man Steven ‘Lord’ Redhead spent a morning in Magistrates Court detention earlier this week in order to clear an outstanding court debt of nearly £700.
50-year-old Redhead, of Horsebridge Hill, appeared before the courts on Tuesday for a fines enforcement hearing relating to the non-payment of a £680.04 fine.
Redhead was fined just £90 back in October 2021 when he was found guilty at trial of failing to provide a specimen for analysis. The court heard how the fine increased greatly when court costs were imposed and when Redhead lost an appeal against his conviction.
It was back in 2022 that Redhead was handed a 5-year prison sentence for conspiring to facilitate the commission of a breach of UK immigration law – as previously reported by Island Echo.
Whilst in prison Redhead appealed for the fine to be ‘lodged’ but his request was never actioned and so upon his release, the fine remained outstanding.
Defending Redhead, Nick Muir told the court that Redhead had paid a large sum toward the fine before his imprisonment and that he was engaging well with the probation service as part of his Post Sentence Supervision (PSS).
After brief deliberations, Magistrates ordered Redhead to spend the morning in the public gallery at the back of the courtroom.
Redhead spent 3 hours observing the morning’s cases before being released at 13:00, with his fine officially settled.
Redhead redemption what a tool this bloke is. Little worthless wanna be aristocrat
The court has now set a presidency, any one with a out standing fine should apply to their solicitor to have it cleared whilst they sit in a warm court for a few hours,
And yes this man is a total tool
Why are you still referring to him as ‘Lord’? Bloke’s obviously a prat with a purchased title.