A defeated Bob Seely has said he is proud of what he, working with others, achieved during his tenure as Isle of Wight MP. Bob won the Isle of Wight seat in 2017 but in Thursday’s General Election he was pipped to the post by Labour’s Richard Quigley, who took a historic win by clinching Isle of Wight West. Speaking on Friday morning, Bob said he was feeling a ‘bit groggy’ and said that he and his team did their best on Thursday, but it wasn’t enough in the face of a collapse nationally in Conservative support. Commenting on his defeat, Bob added:
“I want to thank all my team, but most of all those people who continued to support the Conservatives in the Isle of Wight West seat. “I am proud of what, working with others, we achieved. Thank you to all those who worked with me to try to make the Island better over the past seven years. I know that work will carry on”.
The former MP has wished Richard Quigley – and fellow Conservative Joe Robertson in the East – the best of luck in their new roles. Bob’s said: “I hope that they will work together for the good of the Island”. Concluding, Mr Seely has said he will remain ‘engaged in public life’:
“Thank you for the many messages of support. “I love the Island, it’s my home and my passion. I’ll still be engaged in community and public life. Let’s see what the future holds”.
All you achieved was a bigger bank balance
absolutely nothing else
Total agreement.
You sir did very little to serve our island, hard to get hold of and unfortunately only stood up for things that made you look good. Thankfully you can do no more harm as you leave, if you need help with a ferry ticket I would happily pay for it as a business on the island you did nothing to support us….. !!
Not being negative, but i am trying to think of one thing that Bob Seely and the conservatives did to
benefit the island and Britain as a whole.
Bob was on the foreign affairs committee, championing aid for Ukraine and highlighting Putin’s illegal war.
Bob helped secure £48 million record investment for the NHS on the island
Bob persuaded cabinet ministers to keep the £2 bus cap on southern vectis buses
Bob endorsed the idea of the triple lock plus for pensioners
Bob secured a manifesto commitment for an all options review on the ferries, and also introduced a ferry regulator bill and report to the House of Commons.
All this work done by our brilliant former MP will have to be started from scratch- Richard Quigley does not know what he is doing. He should stick to working in a fish and chip shop!
Twat twat you up his ass
“Achieved”? The arrogance, this country is on its knees!
And that would be exactly what ? Uncontrolled development ? Expensive ferries for an awful service ?
Raw sewage into the sea ? Non-existent Dentists & GP’s ?
Most (possibly all) of the “achievements” on that page either seem to be taking the credit for someone else’s work, government policy, national strategies or a combination of the three.
The phrases “working with” and “helped to” appear a lot but rarely, if ever, seem to indicate that he actually had any influence on the outcome.
For example, the £2 bus fare extension is national policy and there was little or no chance that the IOW would be excluded when all other areas were extended.
Similarly, the national broadband infrastructure upgrade was government policy five years before Bob was even elected, so…
As for the Sothern water environmental improvement, that just seems to be a lot of raw sewage.
So I guess he’s a prime candidate for an OBE then
Writing a couple of strongly worded letters to sh!telink in an attempt to garner votes can hardly be classed as an achievement. We’re happy to be rid of you my sausage eating friend.
I’m scratching my head here trying to think of all these achievements
Bye Bobby, see you in M& S
McDonald’s are always looking for staff
He is not qualified enough to work in McDonalds
30% more votes to his rival is hardly ” pipped to the post”
Defenition: “to beat by a narrow margin.”
Name one thing that you did to improve Islanders life? Just one?
Tried to improve ferries
£48 million for the Islands NHS
Protecting our countryside
Shall I go on?
Ummmm? Really? Tried to improve ferries AFTER the General Election was called?
The £48 Million had NOTHING to do with Bob Seely?
I admit I don’t know much about your countryside claim however I do know we have had far more housing estates approved in the last five years than ever before?
Each of your above claims can not be affected by an MP – private companies for the boats. Central Gov for the NHS and local gov, planning inspectorate and private land owners can not be affected by an MP.
Too little from Mr Seely I am afraid.
Writing pointless letters to the operators instead of lobbying the government with study he pulled out of the hat when it was too late barely counts as trying.
Similarly, claiming credit for the £48M obtained as a result of a successful bid made by the NHS trust that does not meet our needs and will mostly go on transferring services to the mainland is questionable.
I’m not sure if “protecting the countryside” refers to his unsuccessful attempt to get new housing targets reduced or the £13.8M successfully bid for by IWCC from the government’s levelling up fund, or his work with Southern Water to get them to do work they should have been doing anyway. (And still aren’t actually doing it)
I suspect you can’t.
‘Protecting’ ? certainly not from Captivas onslaughts to it.
Sounds like you ran out of inspiration!
Well done Bob. You have achieved the square root of F all.
Oh dear this island is so arrogant, lets see what Quiggers does then shall we. It will take him 100 days to find where his office is in PCH, London, let alone fixing the ferries
@Steven Brown you are sounding bitter today. How about you go and make a nice pot of tea to drink in your pram ?
He’s a troll .. click baiting that’s all
Take me a while as well. What on earth is PCH.
I imagine Portcullis House which is a building adjacent to the Palace of Westminister where a number of MPs have their offices. The jargon is unhelpful since it is meaningless to most people. I only know as I worked in the House of Lords
This isn’t about the ‘nation collapse’ of the Conservatives Bob, this is about you not doing enough for the Island.
Spot on! The results in IOW West were anti Bob not necessarily anti Conservative.
Islanders deserve an MP who cares about local concerns and is accessible. He couldn’t even be bothered to run a local surgery which says it all.
Broke lockdown, supported the sewage companies and went to Hong Kong
Ate sausages!!!!!
Actually, he didn’t even fully achieve that – he claims he only ate half a sausage.
Bob I would have liked to seen the following:-
Reduced ferry fares for Islanders
Reduced green waste bin charges
Reduced Council tax, it goes up every year, what for?
(Our bins to be emptied once a week) £2,000.00+ scandalous
The abolishment of public toilet charges
A permanent parking on Pavement ban (so many idiots park on Pavements)
Speeding issues tackled, Beaper Shute and the Military Road
are LAWLESS Autobahns.
Yet alone many other Island Roads, we need speed cameras installed islandwide
(Stop the Numpty’s)
So much needs to be done on this lawless Island
Gosh that’s a lot guess your one of the poor drivers who drive around at 20mph in 40 mph and hold the steering at ten to two position still using hand signals out of the window for a change of direction possibly driving a Morris Minor, sorry don’t mean to offend just taking the mick
That is funny, nearly correct. A Mitsubishi Mirage
Something seriously needs to be done on the Island with
Speeding motorists.
I concur with those who questioned Bob Seely’s achievements and benefits to the people of the Isle of Wight. Whenever I communicated with him, asking for help, he chose to avoid the issue and spout a Conservative line. More interested in feathering the Bob Seely nest.
If he had put as much time into acknowledging correspondence as he had spent looking for photo ops then maybe he might have done better.
His rhetoric on greenfield housing was noisy but utterly inconsistent. Objected to some but not all. Now why would that be?
Great overview of Bob Seely his standard MO,, should have said a photo shoot was happening .. would have been there then ..
Oh is he? Waltzing all over the world to summits, not even bothering to have a second home on the Island let alone actually LIVE here, claiming responsibility for things achieved by other people, being a thoroughly obnoxious individual on television interviews and debate panels, twelve places on the Island being in the top 20% of deprived and impoverished places in the country, the ferries STILL increasing fares and reducing services, consistently voting against all environmental and climate policies whilst claiming to enjoy walking and swimming. I’m sure he is very proud!
Maybe the enjoyment of swimming in human shit is why he joined the Conservative Party!
Well on the occasions, I spoke to Bob he responded immediately. I found him helpful and courteous. I would like to thank him for the help his staff supplied. I can only speak for myself in this regard, of course. I would say in general the island has done better than in previous decades. Every secondary school rebuilt, the railway rebuilt and a number of other projects completed. You could argue he wasn’t involved in these. But I would question, why we didn’t get them before then?
Dangermouse You are very alone on this subject .. he did nothing to benefit the island ….only himself fake and shallow Good riddance.
Thank you Mrs Seeley!
Why now?
The railway was rebuilt because the 80 year old rolling stock and infrastructure were unsustainable and Southern Railway had no other option under the terms of their franchise. Even then, they put in partially refurbished 40 year old rolling stock which is less reliable or maintainable than the equipment it replaced resulting in the service being halved, when the trains run at all.
The school infrastructure renewal was part of the Department for Education’s national school rebuilding programme and occurred because the local authority submitted a case describing how many of the buildings were literally falling down.
Bob’s main involvement in both being photo-ops saying how much he approved and toeing the party line.
You did nothing absolutely nothing for the island – now you will be onto the next money earner
“Half Sausage” Seely has been Battered
I can guarantee nothing will change.
“I love the island, it’s my home and my passion”.
Never, no NEVER, has my flabber been so ghasted!
But the slimey git achieved nothing that benefitted the Island in the entire time he “represented” us, it was telling that the most people ever saw of him was in pointless ego photo shoots, we are well rid but with the boundary changes we now have two clons with noses deep in the trough of corruption called government.
Bye Bob , close the door on your way out
So your proud of voting to pollute the sea, not improve fire safety on private rental properties, thank god you’re gone, I heard you were sulking on the count night, grow up you big spoilt child, you lost because, you lied, you jumped on other peoples ideas and took them as your own, and you were seen for what you are. Good riddance.
Set a low standard and failed to achieve.
Sorry to see Bob go, Bob achieved so much
for our Island since he became MP in 2017
Let’s hope the new MPs continue where Bob
left off.
Not too difficult then
If it makes anyone feel better, he achieved a soaking on Monday evening when he boldly walked up to my front garden I was watering and asked if he could count on me for a vote, when I told him no and the reasons why he got so irate with me I told him where he could stick his vote and what kind of person he is and then I turned my hose from shower to jet and squirted him whilst telling him to get out of here bob seely! He’d parked opposite our house and got one of his fellow minions to drive his car down to pick him up, I can’t imagine why he didn’t want to get his car himself? I guess sausage seely not only achieved a soaking but caused a hosepipe ban too! glad to be of service bob!
That’s assault and dousery
It was a waste of my damn water actually!! Given what he said to me he’s lucky I didn’t actually hit him!
Get a job you twat ……. save the penguin
Arrogant little man, who achieved nothing for anyone but himself.
Clearly the people chose not to re-elect their self acclaimed people’s champion, which in itself speaks volumes.
I am very proud of what I achieved however I will not name any of these achievements.
As Braverman & Zahawi have both said the CONs failed in office and therefore deserved the outcome, so enjoy your shallow self congratulating Seely .. you failed the islanders and you know it ..
I thought you’d already buggered off Seely. You are a nobody now, get lost!
If the boundary line had been drawn differently ie. west of Cowes and Newport – then Bob Seely would probably have been elected for “West Wight”