Groups bidding for money from the Coastal Communities Fund are being invited to get together by the Isle of Wight Council later this month.
The Council’s Regeneration Team is hosting a free workshop at Riverside to coordinate the Island’s upcoming bids for government funding.
Ryde and the Bay area are among more than 250 locations which have so far benefited from funding to the value of £170million across the UK. This money is intended to deliver new jobs and attract new investment to coastal areas, including the Isle of Wight.
Now, a new round of funding is planned with £40million available to be spent in 2018 to 2019 across the country.
The Council will be submitting a bid and will be working with other bidding organisations across the Island to ensure the Isle of Wight is one of the successful locations again.
Reniera O’Donnell, the Isle of Wight Council’s assistant director of regeneration, said:
“The Island is a perfect fit for this important government fund and we’ve already seen significant benefits from previous rounds.
“There are already some great bids coming together for the new funding so we want to make sure we are coordinated in our approach, and not duplicating each other’s work.
“We want to hear from anybody who’s drawing up a bid, or thinking of starting one.
“The easiest way is to come along to our workshop, where we’ll be hearing from other bidding organisations, and looking at opportunities for partnership working and other support.”
The free workshop will be taking place between 15:00 and 17:00 on Wednesday 28th March.
For more information email [email protected] or call the Isle of Wight Council’s Regeneration Team on 01983 821000 ext: 6224.