Dozens of Islanders rallied behind the Isle of Wight Green Party campaign in Isle of Wight East yesterday (Tuesday) with a large gathering in Ryde to welcome Green Party peer Baroness Natalie Bennett. On the eve of the election, with thousands of Islanders yet to cast their ballot, she made the judgement that the momentum behind the Green campaign was so huge – thanks to the additional energy and support from hundreds of Islanders as part of the East Wight Primary – that she must travel down to the Isle of Wight. Isle of Wight East candidate, Vix Lowthion, has been top of all the local polls of Islanders throughout the last 2 weeks – including the Island Echo/Observer and Brading hustings exit polls, the East Wight Primary and (as of yesterday) the Observer online poll for the constituency. She isn’t currently topping Island Echo’s online poll though, the results of which are to be announced tomorrow when polling stations close. After meeting with members of the East Wight Primary and enthusiastic supporters in Ryde, Natalie and Vix then met with Trevor Nicholas and Steve Johnson at Aspire Community Hub on the High Street to discuss their work with some of the most disadvantaged people across IW East. Natalie Bennett, Green Party peer, said:
“Seeing the enthusiasm and determination of scores of East Wight Primary champions today at their rally for their people’s champion, Green candidate Vix Lowthion, was really inspiring. “Politics generally is far too centralised, focused on Westminster and dominated by party machines, disempowering communities. But the East Wight Primary team and their supporters are leading the way for the country in real change, showing that communities can take their future into their own hands, make choices for themselves, and build a new kind of genuinely democratic politics that can work for the common good, rather than for the benefit of a few.”
Vix adds:
“Seeing how many islanders are fully behind our campaign was truly humbling. Since the Primary result, we have had countless extra people volunteer and boost our campaign. We know from knocking on doors, meeting with residents and all of the local data that voters can be confident that momentum is fully behind a Green win on Thursday. Please make sure that everyone you know gets out and votes!”
She hasn’t got a hope of winning. Greens playing all sorts of games but we all know that the only game in town is the actual election. The bookies know who will win and that is Labour because people want change. This is a general election and it is about national issues. The whole country is behind Labour to end this Tory misery and constant lies. Make sure you vote.
Granted that the nation needs a Labour government, but since that’s now pretty much a certainty, why not choose the best candidate for the constituency (who would also be very effective in parliament, as Caroline Lucas was)?
Does vix live in the east wight then? Not according to her councillor profile
The nation needs a labour government like we all need an extra ten holes in our head, as you will find out to your cost from Friday onwards. Things are going to be so much worse under Smarmer (intentional misspelling). You reap what you sow so don’t moan in a few years time when it has all come back to bite you.
People have a very short memory, the mess Blair and Brown left us in.
Not just financially but Blair told Children that they were in charge and can’t be reprimanded, now those Kid’s are in their 30’s and do not see why they should follow any type of respectful working guidelines without believing it’s an unexceptible breach of their human rights.
I take this was a tongue in cheek remark, Lucas was probably the most incompetant MP parliament has ever known and this is a big pot to choose from, Brighton is still trying to put itself back together after he her disastrous period of being their local MP.
The “Green” Party of the Isle of Wight – LOL. Have they got enough signs there? The EWP’s smugfest hopefully bares no relation to the results of the election on Thursday and we get Emily Brothers. Better to have two MPs in the new government, rather than one who spends her time playing the accordion and having her photo taken with a bunch of faux greens holding placards.
I take it IE, that you do not want to be seen as impartial in this election, given all the pandering that you have been making for Lowthion, which, quite frankly, has been sickening. No matter how much you may want her to win, please get it into your heads that she hasn’t got a hope, no matter how much you try to big her up. Why don’t you change your top banner from red to green?
It’s to split the left vote. Be grateful, it’s the only way to keep the Tories in. Tories are the only ones that care about Islanders. 14 MORE YEARS!
Was expecting to arrive home from work tonight to see one of Island Echo’s “Meet the candidates sections” featuring Reform UK. As this is the only party that Island Echo has not featured in their meet the candidates section. Would be interested to know why this has not happened yet?
Personally I will be voting for Reform and have done my own research into my area’s candidate Sarah Morris, but it would obliviously be informative to visitors of Island Echo’s site to hear about the Reform candidates views and comments.
Split the Tory vote. Great idea.
Baroness who now? Never heard of him.
OK Darren we get it, you are very pro Lady Vix and her weirdos … everyday now there’s been some article about these no-hopers in the IE. I just hope after tomorrow she finally gives up … how many now is it she’s lost? Will be good to get back to you reporting about a cat up a tree, a pothole appearing or pint of milk being taken.
Personally I will be voting for Labour, time for change.
Labour are the only party to save the struggling National Health Service,
also they are the only party to help those families who have been
struggling since the pandemic and now rely on benefits.
Think carefully before ticking the box.
It’s Labour for me, things can only get better.
I voted this morning at a very quiet and peaceful Polling station. Even a classic car parked outside. There was no queue, the presiding officer and team were friendly and all in all, a nice way to vote.
On the other hand my son voted in Tottenham (obviously where he lives). he recounted call to prayers blasting out at 7:00am, not being able to park anywhere near the polling station, was accosted by police as he looked out of place being white…..
Careful what you wish for,,,,