Barclays has suspended its sponsorship of the Isle of Wight Festival just days before the event gets underway at Seaclose Park – but the festival will go ahead as planned and tickets remain valid. According to The Guardian, the banking giant has put a pause on its sponsorship of Live National festivals – after being asked to do so – amid protests over the services it provides to defence companies involved in the Israel conflict. The Isle of Wight Festival, Download and Latitude have all been affected by the suspension of sponsorship, which comes part-way through a 5-year deal between the festival organisers and Barclays. Barclays has been hit by vandalism, harassment and intimidation by individuals and groups in relation to the conflict between Israel and Palestine. This has led to conversations between artists and Live Nation, and subsequent conversations with Barclays which have led to this news.
“Following discussion with artists, we have agreed with Barclays that they will step back from sponsorship of Latitude Festival”.
Festival revellers should be reassured that the festival will proceed as planned.
Lets hope that all large sponsors walk away from events that are full of woke, pathetic, hand wringing socialists ..then they can all sit at home with nothing to do.
if they are so worried about palestine -why don’t they travel there and fight – oh no, of course not, they are too weak and pathetic to do that
What a ridiculous and ignorant comment
nope -perfectly reasonable – if you want to make a stand, go and join them in the war zone, instead of hiding here in safety shouting your mouth off and throwing paint
Virtue signalling at it’s finest!
Ridiculous? Hamas and palestine have been attacking and killing Israelis forever and lie about how its Israel doing Genocide. This is indeed a proven lie and people listening to it without checking facts. Not one pro palestine comment has ever been true. Remember during the last attack Palestine did and thousands and thousands of palestines world wide cheers the killing of innocent people because they want genocide? No sorry but Joe comment was completely valid and these pro palestine people left and are just now couch potato hamas who spread lies. Noot saying Israel is perfect but it certainly never attacked first ever so Barclays shouldnt pull out or listen to the woke.
excellent news for barclays shareholders – more money available for dividends.
dumb protesters ..the worst ones are LGBTQ for Palestine – these imbeciles don’t even realise that Hamas and others like them, despise people who aren’t straight and quite happily throw them off rooftops in their countries.
Well said, Dean it is about time people said what is really happening.
If MPs of the main parties had not filed our country with so many war mongers from across the globe then we could be the ones who decided what is acceptable in our own land now.
Seems like Nige and reform are getting my vote this time around. Enough is more than enough now.
Let’s send that message to the main stream parties.
Churchill was a war monger and a tory scum.
And yet… your making this comment because of him 😛
What a relief to read the overwhelming majority of these responses. They have gone a long way to lessening my general sense of despair. There are exceptions, of course, and poor old Jim Boon has stepped in to play the role of the Useful Idiot.
He could do some research and become acquainted with the truth, but I’m not optimistic.
And why is it that Palestine receives so much support among the great unwashed, but Ukraine none at all?
Zekensky and his mob are as corrupt as Putin!! He’s not looking for peace!! His ‘donations’ (3 billion a year from us!!) would dry up!!!
Don’t be a fool. His ‘donations’ have only come about because his country was invaded. I should have thought that much was obvious.
Blair was a war monger and a Labour tw#t.
What an utter unt you are..say that to true english people you wet wank.
Really, your grasp on history is vague to say the least, if he wasnt about at the relevant time we would all be talking german, unless you were jewish, a gypsy or traveller or had a physical or mental incapcity in which case you would have been done away with. Yep you certainly know what your talking about.
If you know your history, he was also a Liberal MP for 20 years.
Plus, you’re probably in a minority of 1 as to Churchill’s popularity. ‘Winston Churchill is generally considered one of the greatest prime ministers’
Oh dear Bluto. It seems you have a very narrow view of everything. Anyway, you vote Deform. It’ll split the Tory vote nicely thanks.
atleast no on is saying vote labour…I think most people have enough sense to realize that is the kill switch for the country
QK , IF you really were concerned that a vote for Reform would remove voting numbers from the Tories, then as you hate them being a Leftist, then you would be stupid to mention it.
Many disgruntled ex Tory voters may well vote Reform, so much so that it could be argued that a vote for Conservatives is a vote for Labour so VOTE REFORM
What an idiot you are, throwing people off roof tops ? .. that was isis wasn’t it ? The Israelis lie about everything don’t they just like babies in ovens and rape…all of which have proved to be false,.you fool..
Ermm bumba – perhaps you need to do some research – there are plenty of countries around the world, that will happily kill anyone for not being straight.
It might interest you to know that Israel actually offers asylum to LGBT people from Palestine because they face discrimination and worse from the Palestinians.
‘In October 2022, Palestinian police arrested a suspect who beheaded a 25-year-old male Palestinian, Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh, who was seeking asylum in Israel “because he was gay.” At the time it was reported that 90 Palestinians who identified with the LGBT community lived “as asylum seekers in Israel.” ‘
Israel didnt do that.. that was hamas…but i suppose you didnt know that :O
So again filling our country with various cultures and religions has or will ruin life for us British.
There is no advantage to allowing in people who will NEVER wish to be classed as British, ONLY for the free health, education, housing and every benefit which our ancestors fought and some died doing so to ensure WE as a nation were not over-run with foreigners telling us what we can and can’t do in OUR own country.
For goodness sake, think, see what is happening in our own Country and VOTE REFORM or watch your own children suffer for your misplaced naive ‘kindness’.
A vote for the Tories is now a wasted vote, so vote REFORM
Absolutely. The island is filling up with them. Jobs are available they can’t fill so they are fishing overseas, the pull is there, free health care ,benefits, housing , just look around. Then the families follow. Nothing will be left of true British culture . Too much favour in diversity , what about British rights or do we no longer count . They also think by becoming British citizens they are British…….er no. I agree with you, tine for change.
It’s really noticeable this year…
More blinkered Deform rhetoric. Seems like they are a one trick pony. ‘Solving’ immigration will solve everything? You crack on.
Wait until you are the minority. Come back with a smart arse answer then…
It’s already happened on the Island… 3rd world is invading us…
Let’s hope the protesters and pro-Palestinian mob don’t suffer the same fate as the innocent Israelis at their festival last year.
I never understand why the Palestinians get support over here, if they are so concerned go and fight for there beliefs .The same as these eco warrior pratts, why don’t they go to China, USA or India to fight against pollution.
Because these lefties have no back bone and have nothing in there sad lives.
Gays for Palestine shows what they actually know about what they are supporting.
Four million Muslims living here might have something to do with it. Not so concerned with local British issues it seems.
So you don’t understand ? .. try some history lessons.. the genocide in gaza is a result of the failing of the British government.. try reading the ballfour treaty.. we have let the Palestinian people down completely and should be ashamed of ourselves..
The so called bands that have boycotted,no ones heard of !
yep virtue signalling doesn’t pay the rent – so when these bands are faced with a choice – perform, make some cash and a success of your career in music, or stick to your virtue signalling and be skint, whilst watching your career go nowhere ..we will see which one wins out.
Honestly, this country was truly so much nicer without all these troublesome outsiders being allowed the same rights as us all, and then to watch them dictate to us, what and what we cannot do in our own country.
We really must vote REFORM, it is not just knuckle dragging swivel eyed fools, but much of Europe has now discovered just why our Great Great Grandparents kept this sort at arms length.
Most Europeans have similar values it seems but to allow those from very different cultures here is proving a huge mistake, no matter how the Gov and its mouthpiece the BBC try to force such down our throats on almost every ad, and every modern made programme.
Vote Reform or you will be so very very sorry in a few short years.
Very proud of our young generation. Whilst all older people are too intellectually lazy to do a quick Google search and inform themselves that the students are fighting with a similar evil that happened during ww2, all whilst being called names by their parents, threatened and silenced. That’s what being British means- standing up for good and fighting evil
many years ago, lebanon was a wealthy and prosperous christian country. They decided to do some virtue signalling and let in muslim refugees… fast forward to today – christians are now the minority in lebanon and are persecuted by the muslim majority and the whole place is a poverty stricken hellhole.
doesn’t take a genius to work out what will happen here, unless the influx is stopped
Proud of younger generation hahaha hahaha, yesterday travelling back from mainland all the youngsters from I’d say mid twenties down had their eyes on their phones, too busy to see the world passing them by and what’s going on in it . They wouldn’t be able to cope with international crisis and as if they care . I’m often googling and yes I’m older generation and I care about what’s going on in the world. We wouldn’t stand a fighting chance now if we had another world war. They’d be on their phones googling to know what they can do. It’s pathetic . I’m proud to be British but not proud of our so called younger generation.
Oh Bless. Poor little dears fail to understand how the world operates. I bet Giddings is delighted that some of the woke gobshite bands want to kill off his festival with their pathetic protests.Everything is interconnected, deal with it. Or lose the festivals…
I’m sure Giddings loves it,and he doesn’t live on the island.
Lose the festival? What a great idea!
load of shite anyway,the only places that profit from it are the supermarkets selling booze,the rest of the money goes off the island as the vendors at the festival are from the mainland.
and the mess the so called festival goers leave behind is disgusting,seaclose park stinks of urine for 6 months after its over!
get rid of it.
And greta thunberg, you know, the preachey little doom goblin, she pulls that funny face because she has George soros hand way up her backside, well she stands with Palestine as well.
Sick of the virtue signaling hand wringers.
Very true, she is part of the global Elites evil plans
And what have you done in your pathetic life to be known
Barclays are an awful bank, from money laundering to repossessing homes, they relied on festival sponsorship to make them look cool. Festivals are meant to be cool, there’s no space for sponsors like Barclays who are the epitome of the uncool corporate world and their thinly veiled attempts to sanitise their image
they only repossess homes, when the homeowner doesn’t pay the mortgage – that is not the banks fault if you dont pay up.
It would take an immediate ice age to make the Isle of Wight festival cool….
So this is the true meaning of enrichment in the UK, not just a case of having one on every TV ad, and staring roles in every modern made drama series.
They are now telling us how to live our lives, yet our soldiers were supposed to have fought to prevent foreigners ruling OUR way of life
MP’s ought to be deeply ashamed under the stab proof jackets of what they have done to this land.
Vote reform this time.
yep – ever noticed the disproportionate amount of black faces on the TV in comparison to the percentage of actual blacks in the UK
About time it was ended and this Island was stopped from being invaded by Overners with their filthy mainland habits, defecting and destroying this garden island with their decadent and disgusting ways. Pure bloody filth!!!
Bloody hell, the comments on this post… wow. Certainly a lot of right wing ignorance. Firstly, we’re all immigrants, this country is a mash up of Norse, Vilings, Celts, Irish, Scots, Welsh, and yes, there’s even space for bigots because… drum roll please … we live in a democracy. Immigration has kept this country going for centuries, how have people lost that sense??? The fact that people who think being right wing is somehow superior to lefties and woke ideology is a nonsense, you’re all as bad as each other. You go full right or left and you loose all common sense. No matter your own opinion is, dont be so stupid as to think you’re on the side of truth.
Lefty losers, righty losers, you’re all a bunch of snowflakes. Grow up
Using past immigrant warriors who raided by sheer strength or superior intelligence to conquer is hardly in the same league as allowing those who float across daily, selfishly risking their children’s lives, to illegally impose themselves on us, who will then have to pay for them and everything they breed for the rest of time.
Legal immigration is a different matter than allowing in a truly NEVER ENDING number, as people can breed faster than we can build a home for them, or find a doctor for them or a school placement or even soon, when unemployed rises due to AI and Labours ruining the economy, as it will after a fake spending boom.
So YOU stupidly assume we can take in every person who wishes a better life, without harm?
and you edward are a fence sitter – the worst of the lot
Problem is you cannot make a comment like right wing ignorance and expect anyone to take you seriously when you espouse left wing ideals, we are by history and nature a conservative country, we tolerate most things, we queue orderly, we accept delays, we turn the other cheek,but the time is fast approaching and not just from the older generation when we say enough is enough, why do you thonk the reform party is getting so much traction, its because the two other main parties no longer represent us. If that makes me ignorant, so be it.
If they’re that worried why don’t they create and join an International brigade like they did in the Spanish civilian war. Then all piss of and fight for Hamas to keep Palestinian civilians as human shields.
if they pull out then the event should not happen, this poison needs to realise there’s consequences for they’re vandalism
Is it just me I wonder as I find the comments more readable than the actual news article. Always makes me laugh reading the bickering between different peoples views 🙂 And by the way, its Reform for me
Does this now mean people who hold Barclaycard visa debit or credit cards, that we will not get the discounted food & drink. Or be able to use the viewing platform? Again it is us mere mortals who lose out & more money for the greedy!
You need to check who has access to your website, IE.
The massive up/down votes that instantly appear as soon as you publish a comment are very suspicious.
If the big corporate sponsors pull the plug who is going to pay the inflated fees of these so called entertainers, they will be unemployable, and then watch them moan , moan and moan some more, I suppose they could all go and work for the BBC.
Let’s hope Hamas etc don’t burst in on IW festival and murder and kidnap innocent people like they did in October in Israel .
I guess the woke foke wouldn’t want out authorities to lift a finger to right a wrong or save a single soul