A 69-year-old man has been arrested amid allegations he stabbed another man in the chest at a property in Ryde during the early hours of this morning (Sunday).
Police were deployed to a residential address on Surrey Street – just off St John’s Road – at 02:15 after receiving reports of an assault.
It has been confirmed that a male in his 30s sustained a small knife injury to his chest during the incident. He was taken to St Mary’s Hospital where he has been receiving treatment, including stitches.
His injuries are not life-threatening.
Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary has confirmed that a 69-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.
He remains in custody at Newport Police Station at this time.
UPDATE MONDAY – The suspect has been released on bail until 19th April.
Have People gone absolutely crazy it’s all we are hearing about someone hurting someone else, life is way too short you stupid idiots!
Very true, some countries are at war, yet there are
uneducated Numpty’s fighting.
69 Years of age and don’t know right from wrong
needs banging up and having his pension taken
All this unnesseccary crime is putting extra pressure on
the struggling NHS
The guilty parties should have to pay the medical fees for the
harm they have caused.
Also bang them up, they will never be any good for society.
The youth of today. 80 year old last week, now a 69 year old
What is it with the older generation
wonderful place ryde..
I feel sorry for the people who live there.
Irresponsible editorial. What has suddenly happened to ‘They’. Everyone is a ‘They’ until it is a pensioner involved.