Wightlink is ready to welcome crowds of music lovers who will be travelling by ferry to the Isle of Wight Festival, one of the most popular events on the calendar. Tens of thousands of people will be crossing the Solent from Portsmouth and Lymington for the 4-day event, with the busiest days being Thursday (20th June) to the Island and Monday (24th June) back to the mainland. Wightlink has laid on live music on Thursday at the Portsmouth and Lymington car ferry terminals to get revellers in the party mood. There will be a DJ set from Monday to Thursday on Wightlink’s flagship Victoria of Wight and Ryde Pier will host a Mermaid Gin bar and street food outlet. Everyone will be encouraged to capture the moment by posing inside a Wightlink selfie board. Commercial Director Phil Delaney has said:
“It takes months to get everything ready but we’re looking forward to the long weekend and making sure festival-goers get the best experience as they cross the Solent with Wightlink,” says Commercial Director Phil Delaney.”
Wightlink social media content creators Lisa and Fern will be at the heart of the action, ready to share the excitement on Wightlink’s Instagram, Facebook and TikTok accounts. Every morning, they will be posting highlights of the previous day’s entertainment and previewing the acts still to come. Fern says:
“Last year was my first Festival and the buzz was incredible. We did our best to capture the flavour of the event and we were delighted people watching our videos at home said it made them feel they were here as well.” “I think Isle of Wight Festival has the best vibes. It’s family friendly and everyone’s very happy. My absolute highlight was watching Noel Gallagher on stage in 2019.”
Of course they are welcoming them,they are rubbing their hands with glee at the massive price hikes they have inflicted on them,but playing agadoo at the ferry terminals to get them in the mood,aint gonna cut it!
I bet there won’t be a single cancelled sailing during the festival…..
You watch and note the following week when it gets back to “normal”
Couldn’t agree more with you
Why did you say that, they will now cancel maybe a couple of ferries just to prove you wrong.
If only Shitelink provided their usual crap unreliable service
when the Festival is on.
Cancelling of Ferries at short notice etc etc
If they have moved all the staffs hours to cover the festival ferries , probably will happen
No essential member of staff or technical delays now suddenly a Reliable service was the onboard entertainment Typical Wightlink sham .. cramming as many of the great unwashed on the ferries as possible .. so time not to travel four a week .. then the normal unreliable service we have come to expect .. resumes .. roll on regulation of these companies.
Great to see Wightlink joining in and adding something to the weekend. If they were the money grubbing thoughtless company many claim they could do nothing, you know, like all those endlessly whining about them.
Out of idle curiosity I just checked the price for a Friday / Tues return.
This week £277 (economy ticket) – the following week same journey and days, £124
Wightlink really are adding something to the weekend, a mark up of £153 or well over 100%
Personally, I couldn’t give a monkeys so I can assure you what you can hear isn’t a whine but a laugh at all the Muppets that can’t see through the smokescreen…
The vast majority will be coming as foot passengers.
Maybe the vast majority but the ferry car spaces are totally full up with nothing available for the whole weekend via Fishbourne / Portsmouth so however you look at it Wightlink are coining it….
Your all party poopers, people will pay money if they so desperately want something? I hope they all have an amazing time on our beautiful island.
How many boats will be cancelled this weekend? Let me guess 0
Stop the boats! It’s the only way we can save ourselves from this music loving scourge.
Rock & Roll ain’t been the same since Buddy Holly died…. 🙂