The Isle of Wight Steam Railway has launched an urgent appeal for £24,000 to ensure its flagship locomotive, O2 class No. 24 Calbourne, will be in steam in time for the Railway’s 50th anniversary celebrations in 2021.
All steam locomotives must undergo a thorough overhaul and boiler examination every 10 years. This involves completely dismantling the locomotive so that the boiler can be thoroughly checked, and any repairs carried out.
Calbourne’s overhaul started in December 2019 and was progressing well until the coronavirus crisis led to the Railway being completely shut down. Although work has now recommenced, the lockdown has had a very serious effect on the Railway’s finances.
Steve Backhouse, General Manager at IWSR, says:
“Unfortunately, the crisis means that we have had virtually no income for the first four months of our operating season. While our engineering team is ready and able to finish the work on Calbourne, we currently no longer have the money to do so. Therefore, the success of this appeal is essential to seeing Calbourne back in steam for next year.”
Donations towards the appeal can be made on the Railway’s website at, where there is also a gift aid facility or by cheque, payable to Isle of Wight Railway Co Ltd and sent to the Railway at Havenstreet Station.
Steve adds:
“We are planning a number of exciting events to celebrate our fiftieth anniversary in 2021. It would be devastating if Calbourne could not be part of these so we are asking everyone to give generously, despite the difficult economic times”.
Was there last week with the kids. Always a fantastic day out especially with the birds of prey and they’ve really organised the individual seating plan well with the online booking. Always been a fan and lucky to have this on our doorstep.
Scrap it!
You are why there should be a minimum IQ requirement for connecting to the internet.
What because I have an opinion different from yours, Your the bigot not me!
People should have a minimum IQ before shouting their opinion – Or it’s obvious they are unable to comprehend not everyone agrees.
If they are short of cash why did they spend thousands of pounds building the barn type structure in the corner of the field , if it was a grant funded thing surly the money could of gone on Calbourne loco
Possibly something to do with Covid 19
If you apply in advance for a grant for a particular thing, you can’t just suddenly change your mind and spend it on something else!
Thanks for your comment Whisky Galore, I was just about to comment something similar. Charities and the like rely heavily on monies through grants, however, the rules of grants make it very clear what it can or cannot be used for. If a Charity was seen to be using monies from a grant for a different purpose, then the Charities commission would be instructed for investigation.