The Albion Hotel in Freshwater Bay is due to open within weeks and Isle of Wight West candidate Bob Seely dropped by to check on progress. The hotel has undergone a multi-million-pound refurbishment since it changed hands early last year. Bob Seely, who is hoping to be re-elected on 4th July, dropped by the Albion to meet with the new owners. Bob said:
“This is exactly the sort of investment we need on the Island and in the West Wight in particular, creating jobs and bringing more money to the Island’s visitor economy. “Great to meet up with the new owners, David and Mark, and to see their plans.
“David and Mark talked me through their plans for the hotel while the builders were busy working on last minute details ahead of a formal re-opening. I thank David for his investment, and I wish them every success.”
Under new owners, A2K Leisure, the 41-bedroom hotel has been upgraded throughout with new decoration, fixtures and fittings and a new spa. New owner, David Walker from A2K Leisure said:
“It has been an amazing challenge squeezing a brand-new hotel into a building which is 300 years old in places. “We are very proud of what we have achieved and thank all the people who have helped us get this far. 95% of the people we have used are Island based. So, this is very much a local achievement!”
The hotel is currently taking bookings for 2024 via its website.
Hope it’s a success..
Oh just seen the prices for min 2 nights stay…i won’t be going must be a lot of rich people out there..
Do they have Sky TV?
Might get a visit from Rishi if they do.
Maybe try a Premier Inn or Ibis
Love premier excellent hotels..
It will go bust by end of 2025
Over £500 for 2 nights..and that’s the cheapest !!!!
Scandalous, that’s 2 months Council tax
Ex-MP Bob welcoming more low paid jobs to the island. Maybe he is hoping to get a job serving at the bar after the general election. Good to keep his options open. Sadly, we all know what a hard worker he isn’t.
Id love him to serve me a vastly overpriced pint,so i can tip it over his head!
pop-up bob strikes again
Come to Freshwater and stay in a hotel there, and swim in the sea which is polluted, Bob wanted crap in our seas, he voted for it, read all about his voting priorities here.
Half sausage also voted to support genocide in Palestine
£270 per room up to £320 per NIGHT!
I think not,and i bet the staff will be on minimum wage with a zero hour contract.
families with children used to stay there,they wont be now,utter greed,spain for a week with the kids is much cheaper.
How do you expect them to repay the investment / works?
So you think £320 per night is acceptable?
It will be a flop, isle of Wight is the wrong location for such a place.
London or Brighton and it would work.
I guarantee that you are wrong. Red trousered, Hut loving brigade all too happy to squander money on shite food and overpriced hotel rooms.
Even they won’t fool for these prices, it will start off well and
dwindle out after the first few months
DFL Gary spot on .. wrong pricing .. wrong location .. even with a discounted ferry offer .. still overpriced .. nice facilities perhaps but place will be empty
Norton Grange struggle as an example .. afraid the Albion owners have got this wrong .
Wot, no envelopes to open today?
Nobody is interested Bob…..
Exactly. Doesn’t he know there’s an election going on?
They look like an end-of-the-pier double act
See ya seely…your days are numbered hopefully and your photo boming is getting very predictable
Just Google the restaurant menu and low and behold they have a dish for £15.95 for the Bob sausage, comes with mash potatoes peas and gravy says good for the smaller appetite as just half a sausage!!! On a lighter note it’s been said he’s getting a weekend break for free here for his publicity of the new venue, just ring up and mention your his mate (I know tough one) and code ‘sausage 50’ for the 50% discount on your first stay.
Too expensive for 3 star hotel. Old fashoned rooms, no way rooms will be booked. Reduce the prices and get some busines or you will close down end of season. Modernise, get into 21st century.
A Premier Inn would be a goldmine in Freshwater
Is half a sausage Bob looking ahead to find a job in the hotel next month?
Standing up for Bob here. He was a good MP and was able to use his influence for the good of the island. I think his public service deserves gratitude not lazy potshots. Think a lot of misunderstanding on this forum about what an MP is and does. We need a new government in Whitehall and something of a reboot as a country but, if I could, I’d have voted to have Bob as my MP again.
Nurse! Nurse!! Quick please
Medic! He needs a medic,quick!
PopUp We know this is you .. maybe a good thing that you cannot vote this time
Goodbye ex MP .. and thanks for nothing ..
Bob don’t mind if he looses, he’ll get six months pay. Something else the Tories voted for. If I was sacked for being rubbish I would get zero. But all the Tories getting six months pay.
“MPs will be eligible to receive a loss-of-office payment if they lose their seat at a general election”
I look forward to seeing the other West Wight candidates having talks and pictures with the Albion owners .. too .. why just pop up Bob !!
At around 14:00 on Tuesday (6th August)
3 days ago and asking for help now would not not be the sort of appeal that should happen on the day it happens not 3 days later? Could have cut his hair off and got changed by now
Yet they can put pictures of rioters on national TV same day and have them in court and banged up within a week!
Great, isn’t it!!!
Love watching them bawl their eyes out as they are sent down. The look on the face of that prune-faced old Scouser was brilliant.
They are starting to lock them up for online incitement, too. Probably won’t be long before some of the regulars here get to enjoy some cell-time with Big Bubba.
Did you not read the update????Police are satisfied incident did not take place as originally stated!!!a made up story by a child with problems… may want to rethink play time with Big Bubba!.
Good to know you’re on the case Columbo.
Two tier reporting.
Only mention his colour as he Is white. Wouldn’t dare upset the narrative otherwise.
Hope they catch the low life scum.
Enjoy the riots did you?
Yea I did I managed to roll a car it was fun
They would say also if Chinese, Black or Asian etc. Fact 95% of paedophiles are white heterosexual British men…..
So the 1000s of muslims involved in grooming gangs raping young underage children were actually white heterosexual British men were they ???
You are so right, at least we’ve woken up
Another Russian troll.
Read the update!!!!!it didn’t happen!!!and it isn’t 10000’s do som real research 99.9% of child abductions,grooming gang rapes are white males of UK birth!in this Country…but that doesn’t appease your obvious serious problem”one brain cell”and it’s misfiring “again”!.
You’ll be telling us next that Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were illegals who arrived by boat.
F off Russian troll.
Won’t be long before you are locked up.
Tick tock, tick tock.
You still chasing them kids
Stirring up racial hatred online.
Looking forward to seeing your bawling face as you are sent down.
A rip on what area of his jeans?
This why old people should not be allowed out such a danger and a inconvenience
Is being in your twenties or thirties considered old these days?
selfish old fools they either drive and hurt poor innocent people all they do creepy things like this
Why isn’t there cameras there?? So many incidents at that park it’s getting awful on this island!!
Move then.
What a idiot you are, are U woke too by any chance
Yea inbread do one
Sod off back to London then.
I thinks it’s a weirdo called Trevor
And how do you know that? I bet you two are partners in crime