The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Air Ambulance has landed on the Esplanade in East Cowes this evening (Sunday) to assist local colleagues with a medical emergency.
The helicopter touched down on a grassed area just before the top of the hour.
Flying medics are on scene alongside 2 ambulance crews and an officer from the Isle of Wight Ambulance Service.
It’s thought a medical emergency – possibly in a public space – has prompted the scrambling of the helicopter from its base at Thruxton near Andover
UPDATE @ 20:03 – The air ambulance has lifted off from East Cowes without conveying the patient, heading back to base for its next mission.
It’s thought the individual has been conveyed by land ambulance to St Mary’s Hospital instead.
Hope the patient is okay .
What a waste of time and money really
Not at all, it could mean the difference between life and death.
I agree, can paramedics not tell nowadays if you’re in a state near death or not
Quite could’ve been, add you to the list of pathetic arrogance on the Isle of Wight
I think that our medical service do an outstanding Job, Well done to all involved , wishing the patient a speedy recovery.
no i could have died its not a waste
Really mate??? Could’ve been my sister gone if it wasn’t for her friends and the speediness of the paramedics due to a medical emergency. Hope they don’t waste their time n money when it comes to you
Went down there yesterday – group of teenager or even younger, can’t tell these days – larking about and acting stupidly at around 5-6pm I presume it was for one of these as they were still there when I left. Hope she or he is OK and they have all learnt something from the admission of their “friend” to hospital.
Actually I think you should keep your nose out of other peoples business and perhaps not judge until you know the full story. It was my baby sister and we’re sure she had a seizure (having never had one before) and was really quite ill from it all. So what do you expect her friends to learn, that possibly saved her from death, other than they did the right thing and it wasn’t for them I maybe wouldn’t have her anymore.. honestly the arrogance and ignorance of people on this island never astound to amaze me.